You should take any piece of advice given to you with a grain of salt, unless the advice is from me of course :)
It’s Not About Your Genes!
Sinn of The Mystery Method says, “Becoming good looking is about grooming, fashion, and working with your natural looks. It’s actually pretty easy. You don’t need a whole bunch of money (check out second-hand stores like Buffalo Exchange), but you do want clothes that are in style NOW – not five years ago when you were last single. Not clothes you’ve been holding on to since you were in college. If you have the money, get a style consultant – if not, buy GQ, find a few fashion role models, and go from there.”
What Do Your Clothes Say About You?
Paul Janka of Getting Laid in NYC understands how to use fashion to his advantage. “It is important to look good. Looking your best will improve your hit rate. In particular, if you’re working the street game, keeping a clean-cut “I have a job and pay my rent” look will work to your benefit. The wheels in a girl’s head are relentless, and looking responsible and somewhat trustworthy (but not at the expense of sexiness) will counter the “I just met this guy on the street – I don’t even know him!” alarm in her head.”
Building Your Body
Brad of The Adonis Effect talks a lot about the improving your body to make the game easier. “The exact shape of the man that she is most attracted to is something that can be measured and, quite frankly, the research shows that women are attracted to a man who has a specific shoulder to waist ratio indicating a V-taper (wide shoulders, slim narrow waist).”
By the way, I got something very special for you! If you sign up to my newsletter (you can do that below), you will get access to a video that reveals some of the best kept secrets when it comes to picking up hot chicks. Belief me, you don´t want to miss this!
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