It’s a huge limiting belief I used to have myself, and a VERY common one I need to fix in clients…OK – It’s very common, while gaming on streets/trains/shops etc., if you see a hot girl, you immediately get the STRONG feeling that if you open her, EVERYBODY will look, and then ALL these bystanders will judge your approach negatively…
I certainly used to feel this way…
BUT, from experience – things aren’t that bad!
OK, in day-approaches, some people do notice – the percentage varies depending on logistics, how loudly you opened, how loud the overall environment is, and so on..
BUT, the TRUE percentage of people that notice is almost always LOWER than you’d estimated!
e.g. you estimate if you open 90% of people will notice, and 100% of those will think you’re a creep/get jealous/think you’re a pickpocket etc. In reality it’s more like -
15% of people notice – the other 85% are in their own little “thought-bubble”, thinking about shopping, reality TV, food, sex, last night’s party, work or some other stuff, that has nothing to do with you…
And of those 15% that DO notice…
Half are confused as to what’s going on – From your body language, and her response, it looks like you & girl already know each other – maybe you’re acquaintances, have a mutual friend etc… ??
A quarter DO judge it a bit negatively, but maybe it’s more based around jealousy – some guys may look-on, hoping you mess-it-up … – Be aware that if you ignore this, the girl may subtly pick up on your ability to withstand social pressure, and get more attracted!
A quarter of observers actually think you’re cool e.g. Some other men will look over, and give you a little nod of ‘respect bro! She’s hot!’, or some grannies will look over with an “awwwwww, that’s so romantic” type vibe…
In practise – nobody cares!
Good thing!
It really does shake down this way! – BUT, you still NEED to actually approach to experience this first-hand, and change your beliefs (and confidence levels)…
The only real option is to get out there & test your beliefs… Bear in mind that you don’t need to change every belief 100% in one session – this process can be bit by bit – but by adopting the “learning as ‘experimentation’ frame”, you can make the whole process a bit less daunting…
Don’t go gaming just to get numbers/dates/a girlfriend – use it to work on your beliefs – And as an ‘accidental’ side-effect, you’ll suddenly notice you get better results!
Enjoy the journey..
By the way, I got something very special for you! If you sign up to my newsletter (you can do that below), you will get access to a video that reveals some of the best kept secrets when it comes to picking up hot chicks. Belief me, you don´t want to miss this!
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