Expand Your Comfort Zone And Meet More Women - Tube Game

I have been studying picking up girls for five years now and have a ridiculous amount of confidence on the streets. Give me a street, and I’m happy to approach almost any girl on it, and be confident of coming away with a number … at least! The streets are my territory, having approached women on the street for so long I am just so comfortable there.

But acquired confidence is situation specific, it does not generalise easily into different environments. I am a PU**Y on the Tube. Inspired by the Tube legend that is Juan, recent Tube stories from Sebastian, and wanting to diversify my lay sources, I know that I need to work on my Tube game.
Expand Your Comfort Zone And Meet More Women - Tube GameThis girl walks onto the platform. She is stunning. I look at her and feel nervous, and then my mental switch goes off, “DO it, don’t regret it.”

I walk over, nervous as fuck, and tell her she’s gorgeous, mistake number
1. I ask her a few questions, whether she works around here, what she’s done today etc, mistake number 2. I start talking about my day, and what I’m up to this evening, mistake number 3. The nerves deepen. I become acutely aware of how hot she is and how uncomfortable I feel talking to her here on the Tube platform.

I start to sweat profusely. I keep talking as we board the Tube. The sweat begins to drip down my forehead and I become very concious of myself as I wipe it back every minute or so with my hand. I am on autopilot: trying to talk confidently and congruently about my life, ask her relevant questions and say interesting things. The sweat starts to soak through my scarf. I force myself to keep going.

I know this hasn’t been the best pickup, and I’m pretty sure there’s no chance she will give me her number. But hell, you never know til you ask! So I try, and come away with a Facebook close. Fucking exhilarating. This is why I love game. Five years ago I would never have even thought I could even approach that girl in such a public place, let alone have a conversation, albeit a disgustingly sweaty one, with her.

This is how I’m improved since my time here: push, push, push, and act as you need to regardless of how you feel inside. That is how you grow as a person. Take risks. Feel the pain, and then relish the pleasure!

By the way, I got something very special for you! If you sign up to my newsletter (you can do that below), you will get access to a video that reveals some of the best kept secrets when it comes to picking up hot chicks. Belief me, you don´t want to miss this!

FREE Video Reveals:Best Kept Secrets Of Master Pick-up Artists!

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About Me

My name is Max Anderson, I am from Germany and I have been instructing beginner PUAs as well as advanced Pick-up Artists for over 3 years.

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